Urban Law is a modern and fully-featured responsive Template Kit to create professional-looking Elementor based websites for law firms and legal advisers. It is completely created using free Elementor-based plugins, but still provides a sticky header, home-page slider, a constantly available part for urgent client needs, and fully functional complex forms for communicating with the office.
It contains 9 unique pages for all needs of a website of this type, header, footer, off-canvas popup, home page slider completely created in Elementor as well as 4 beautiful and functional models of the form. Templates are made completely modular and modules are an integral part of this template kit.
The author of this template kit is Obren Markov.
Urban Law template kit is sold through the world's largest distributor of WP themes – Envato, ie. Themeforest, which is their web platform for this type of product. The template kit costs only USD$ 17.
Key Features
- Using only Free Plugins (Elementor Pro is NOT required)
- Drag & Drop Builder
- One-Click Import
- Modern & Clean Design
- Fully Responsive Layout
- Fully Customizable
- Easy Sitewide Change with Global Style
- True Zero Coding
- Free Google Fonts
- Awesome Unique Look
- Workings Complex Forms
- Home Page Slider created in Elementor
- Emergency Off-Canvas created in Elementor
- Displays well in all modern browsers and devices