How to import WooCommerce products using a transfer file created on another WordPress site

How to import WooCommerce products from another WordPress site?

Note: This article only deals with importing products from the WooCommerce store that were previously exported from another WordPress website, but not with the export process. If you are interested in the simplest way to export products from a WooCommerce store, take a look at this article that deals with it.

Importing a WooCommerce product to a WordPress website from a previously created .csv file is easy and can be performed even ​by beginners if they follow these instructions.

To import products from another WordPress/WooCommerce website, you must have the WooCommerce plugin installed and activated on the new website. If you haven’t already done so, install and activate the WooCommerce plugin before continuing to follow this guide. The ability to import products from a .csv file will be automatically activated on the site along with this plugin.

Of course, you also need to have the appropriate .csv file to import the product – if you don’t already have one, create it first by following this guide.

Step 1) You must first activate the WooCommerce importer. You will do this from the WP dashboard menu, by selecting the Import option (1); then on the screen that opens, click Run Importer under the title WooCommerce Products (CSV) (2)

Import WooCommerce products: How to open WooCommerce importer

Step 2) This will activate the appropriate WooCommerce importer. On the next screen, you need to select the .csv file in which the data and links from the original store are saved (1). When you have done this – the file should be somewhere on your computer, where you previously saved it – click the Continue button (2)

Import WooCommerce products: Choose CSV file

Step 3) In the next step, Column Mapping, it is best to leave the default values and just click the button Run the Importer. Of course, if you are sure that you need to make some adjustments in this step – do it.

Import WooCommerce Products > Column Maping

Step 4) Pay attention to the work of the importer and wait until it reaches the end.

Import WooCommerce products: Importing...

Step 5) When the import is complete, it is best to click the View products button to check that all products have been imported correctly.

Import WooCommerce products: Import complete info

Import WooCommerce products: Imported products

Congratulations, you have completed the migration of products from one WordPress/WooCommerce site to another!

This article describes the easiest way to import WooCommerce products from a .csv file created for migration on another WordPress site – step-by-step, illustrated

About the author

Obren Markov, Senior WordPress Developer and Elementor Expert

Obren Markov is a WordPress developer and designer with many years of experience in this field and several dozen created websites behind him. He is an Elementor Professional and the author of Template sets, who creates sites for end-users. Also works with agencies and independent WP designers as a subcontractor on their projects.

Basically about me

I’m Obren Markov, a senior WordPress developer, a qualified and university-educated IT professional accepted in Envato/ThemeForest as an Elementor template author and also in the Elementor Expert community.

I work directly for end users, but also for agencies and independent designers, complementing them in their projects.